diumenge, 6 de novembre del 2016

Free day with the families

This Saturday I went with my Icelandic friend Monica into the Golden Circle. During the trip I have eaten sweets of Iceland. During the route we saw incredible geysers and big waterfalls. Finally we went to Andrea's icelandic friends and we played cards unitl bedtime.

Post written by Angel Gou

On Saturday we went to the geisers with Stephania, Estel, Selma, my friend's father and me. We visited the separation of Europe and America, then we went to the Golden Circle and we took a lot of photos.

We ate in the car and then we ate an ice cream. At the afternoon we rode horse that it was very funny but very cold too. At night, we had dinner with my family and at 9 o'clock we went to the cinema with Guillem, Estel, Monica, Andrea and Angel, and of course with our Icelandic friends. Later at nigth, we went to Andrea's house and we played cards together.

Post written by Carla Monfort

Today we went to the downtown with some Spanish and Icelandic people and we went to ate a hamburger and it was really good. Then, we went to take a coffee and later we went to Kolaportid, the Reykjavik flea market.  Later we stayed in a place where we listened to some good music and there we took another coffee and ate bread with butter and sugar.

Then we took the bus and I stayed at Anna's house and I ate dinner there because my Icelandic girl had to study. When we finished we went to the bowling with other friends and when we finished we went to ate an ice cream. Finally we went home because tomorrow we are going to get up really early. 

Post written by Júlia Salla

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