dimarts, 8 de novembre del 2016

The last day in Iceland. So good, so sad.

Today, 8th November, we met at school at 8:15 am. It was very rainy and windy, so we stayed at school speaking Spanish with some students that are learning Spanish.

When it stopped raining we went to an outdoor musem. The museum was about how was the life in the old Icelandic houses, so we visited some old houses. After that, we went to a swimming pool and we had lunch there.

After having lunch we went to the school because we had to meet with the Icelandic people to go home and make the bags for tomorrow.

When it was time for having dinner we went to one of the Icelander's house to stay all together and spending our last moments in Iceland with the whole group.

Post written by Estel Romà

Today was the last day, so first of all we met together at the school where we helped Spanish students from Verzlo making them speak Spanish, it was so funny! 

Then we went to the museum of the first houses of Reijkavik and it was so interesting. Later on we went to the school which was the last time we went there and we had free afternoon so we went to the shopping centre where I had a great time. 


Post written by Sònia Solsona

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