dilluns, 7 de novembre del 2016

The south coast of Iceland. What an amazing day!!!

Today, 7th November, we started the day very early. We woke up at 5:40 more or less because we had to be in the school at 6:40 am to start a long and cold adventure trought the south coast of Iceland.

We have done this trip in a bus. So, we have been all the day visiting some places of the Iceland's landscape while we were also travelling inside the bus.

The different Icelandic lanscapes that we have visited are the followings: two waterfalls, the black beach, a lava landscape and the Glacier lagoon where we have sailed in a boat trought it. It has been fantastic!!!
All of them had been amazing and very special!

It's difficult to describe what we have seen today. There are no words to describe all these magnific nature landscapes. How can the nature create all of these? It is quite difficult to believe; but yes, there are some landscapes around the world that are spectacular, and today we have visited some of them. So, if you want to feel what we have felt today, I recommend to you go once in your life to Iceland. It will be very succesful and impactant. But, if you don't have the opportunity of visiting Iceland, we have taken lots of photos during all the trip to show you our moments. They are very special!

However, we have had bad weather today. During all the day it has been raining and it was foggy and cold, so we have seen the nature landscapes in not the best conditions.
At the end, all of us have finished wet and very cold.

Finally we have had dinner in a restaurant and then, at 8 pm we have returned to Reikiavic. After four more hours on the bus, at 12 pm we arrived into the city to return with our Icelandic host families and go to sleep.

Although this trip has beenvery long and quite tiring, it has been worth it. We are very impressed and happy about all these wonderful places of Iceland that we have seen today.

Post written by Txell Calvís

Today was an amazing day. The cold and rain couldn't spoil the illusion to see these beautiful and wonderful landscapes that we find in Iceland.

One of the most impressive things we've seen were the waterfalls and we were also amazed by all the colourfull views that we have seen.

Then we went to visit the impresionant beach that where there are very big and dangerous waves, but it's very relaxing to see them. One of the curiosities of this beach was that arena is black and especially the cave, that is covered by immenses natural black columns.

And finally we visited the glaciers which was what we expected the most to see . When I saw them I was shocked because I was very excited to see the icebergs and when I saw them I thought It wasn't real. Some of us have travelled by boat to see better the glaciers. It was fabulous!

This journey is one of the best experiences that I've ever had.

Post written by Núria Martínez

4 comentaris:

  1. Estoy muy contenta viendo que ha sido un viaje increíble i que siempre lo recordareis como un experiencia única.

    1. Muchas gracias por los comentarios. Es verdad es un país impresionante.

  2. Cuando he púbica do mi escrito se han canviador automáticamente algunas palabras. Lo siento. Pasarlo muy bien.
